Guess whose back? Back again.

Yeah, that's right.. I am back. You are all thinking either, where on earth i've been or who the hell I am. Well, I am Shannan, and I used to blog over at Sunshine, Butterflies and Books, however life seemed to catch up and I got out of the swing of blogging, writers block followed soon after and I was unable to find the motivation and willpower to continue with something I once loved. My previous blog also represents my university years, and now that I am a graduate, I would like to believe that I have matured just that little bit.

I aim to post weekly, providing a little insight to any travel plans I may have, sharing various little life hacks that I have discovered during, and there after my time at university as well as a discussing and review some of my favourite reads.

So this is it, a new blog, with a new look and hopefully a slightly more matured author.
Bye for now, my little pumpkins 

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