Improvements I Wish to Make as a Blogger

Although I have only recently gotten back into blogging, there are still several aspects I would like to improve in, so I thought I could share them with you all, and hopefully gain some tips from fellow bloggers on how to improve in those aspects.

  • Social Media: Although I use social media on a daily basis, I still struggle to promote my blog through it. I understand the importance of the social media platform yet it is something I am still struggling to get to grips with. I've recently started using Hootsuite to help to schedule my posts to social media, yet I am one of those people who can stay on top of something for a few weeks but before long I will get out of the swing of it and fall back into old habits.
  • Imagery: Until the last few posts, I did not typically include title images, however I have realised how this can overall improve the view of each post, and how it is actually more likely to attract traffic to that post. However, I am still struggling with finding the right image layout, and the best way to edit my photos therefore, its all a little bit messy at the moment. As I currently use my iPhone for a lot of my blogging, I rely on apps that are available through the app store, however I am considering learning to use PhotoShop to create those all important title images. What sort of other programmes would you suggest that I should use?
  • Scheduling: At the moment I am trying to find which days work best for particular blog posts, and what times attract the most traffic to the blog. As I also work a full time job, alongside running this blog I do find it difficult to post regularly which is why I have started to mass write posts on my days off, and when I find myself in the mood to create content that I am happy with. How do you handle running a blog alongside working? And how did you decide what days you were to post?
Thoses are just three aspects in which I wish to improve in, so if you have any hints or tricks relating to any of those points then leave a comment below, or alternatively, head over to my Twitter @shannlouisexo, and leave me a message there.

                                                      Bye for now my little pumpkins

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