Yesterday, Twenty Something became a stop for Morgan Lee's blog tour for her new release, The Naked Tree. And as a part of the book tour, Lee is giving away a signed copy of her two novels, the first Seed Among Thorns with the second being her new release, The Naked Tree.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
In case you missed yesterdays post, just click here to get to know about Morgan Lee, her novels, and her bucket list as an author.
Bye for now my little pumpkins
The Naked Tree by Morgan Lee Blog Tour: Writer's Bucket List
Saturday, 29 October 2016
Dream big and don’t let anyone
put a harness on you! My bucket list as an individual and as a writer is never
ending. I’m achieving one item on my bucket list as I write this; build a
support community. I hope I’m not jumping the gun, but in putting together this
blog tour I hope that I have created a positive experience for the authors and
bloggers I have been working with and that they will continue to support me
throughout my career. I tend to feel like society puts this chain around
people’s necks that force them to stay in the line of the status quo. Well I
don’t want to be status quo.
I want to be different and original.
I want my passions to drive me through life and not the world to drive my
passions. Writing is the tool that I use to embrace every different aspect of
my personality that I would otherwise be too afraid to show. When people I know
read my work, they are surprised by the things I have to say, so much so that
it makes me braver to embrace who I am. I want to surprise people. I want them
to talk. So I reach for the stars, as they say. I aim high, and you should too,
no matter what the goal. So today, I thought I’d share with you my writing
bucket list.
- Start a publishing company (Redeemer’s Ink Publishing)
- Sell 1000 copies of my book(s)
- Get a P.O. Box
- Sell 10,000 copies of my book(s)
- Sell 100,000+ copies of my book(s)
- Obtain 5 clients (authors) to represent in my company by 2018
- Write and publish 5 of my own books
- Take classes in editing and proofreading
- Become an expert in Photoshop and book cover design
- Purchase an endless supply of ISBN’s
- Reach the New York Times Bestsellers List
- Go on a book tour
- Win the Nobel Prize for Literature
- Reach 1,000 subscribers on my YouTube channel (I talk about writing on there)
- Take business classes
- Build a community of writers, authors, and bloggers that serve as a support system to one another
- Build a fully functional website that I’m happy with
- Write a book in every genre and subgenre
- Become a fulltime writer (meaning no more, full time 9-5 boring-society-tells-me-I-have-to-go-to-work-job!)
- Find a husband that fully supports me and my writing and won’t want me to work that boring job from the previous answer.
- Master this marketing thing
- Use social media effectively
- Become an avid blogger
- Stop procrastinating in my personal life and my career
- Be bold and use my writing and my publishing company to shed light on the dark places and give those a voice who otherwise wouldn’t be heard.
that’s it! That’s my condensed Writers Bucket List! There are a ton more things
I would like to accomplish in my career, but that’s enough for now. I hope my
ambition encourages you to reach for your own dreams no matter what they are and
no matter what anyone thinks. Let your creativity and passion flow!
out my novel The Naked Tree available this Monday, October 31, 2016. Preorder
your ebook copy here:
The Naked Tree Blog Tour Stops
Monday, October 24:
Tuesday, October 25: TBD
Wednesday, October 26: TBD
Thursday, October 27:
Friday, October 28:
Saturday, October 29:
Sunday, October 30:
Join in Sunday night 9pm-12am CST for the Virtual Release Party for The Naked Tree! Author
Morgan Lee Fan Page! There will be giveaways, contests, trivia, other authors,
and more!

After thousands of hours
procrastinating, several hundred gallons of coffee and tea, and endless
prayers, Morgan has finally produced a physical book that is now in your hands.
Ever since she was a little girl she has always been fascinated with the
written word and has wanted to be an author. Morgan received her bachelor of
arts degree in creative writing from Kansas State University. It was only in
2013 when she received Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior that she found her
purpose for writing and discovered that her ministry would be to present the
glory of God through fiction. Morgan Lee currently lives in Kansas City with
her family.
Connect with Morgan Lee!
Website |
Twitter |
Facebook |
About the Book

if you
were blessed enough to have them that is.
Colette has lived the last seventeen
years of her life being hidden away, also choosing to hide herself. Colette is
a part of a class of people who are even lower than the animals they herd. They
are Vaporless. Defects in a perfect world. And Colette was the worse one of
them. After the vicious leaders, Eviya, Levi and Adamek of the Triunity put out
a bounty for the blood of the Vaporless no one is safe. Disaster has struck.
The Tree of Knowl is failing and the once beautiful Vapors are now killing
their hosts. A solution must be found and that solution is to sacrifice the
Vaporless to the Tree in an effort to appease it so that it will reverse the
curse it placed.
Now on the run, Colette meets Rowan
and Holden leaders of a well known rebellion group who call themselves
R.H.I.S.K. With the help of Rowan, Holden, Anastasia, Kofi, and Kimaya, Colette
hatches a plan to discover a way to save themselves and the Vaporless from
destruction. When the group enters into the Province Ilan they find themselves
the knights of an ancient war. A risky mission over the Edge. A mysterious device
called the Eloi. And a war that will shake the very foundation that they have
the story all starts with a single naked tree.
Top 5 Book Covers
Wednesday, 26 October 2016
After looking through my book shelves last week I came to the realisation that I own a lot of books that have quite simple book covers, nothing too over the top, and nothing that uses images like the ones found on movie covers. With that in mind I thought I would share with you my 5 favourite book covers.
- Everything, Everything - Nicola Yoon
- When We Collide - Emery Lord
- Holding Up The Universe - Jennifer Niven
- The Art of Being Normal - Lisa Williamson
- Carry On - Rainbow Rowell
After listening my favourite book covers I actually noticed a trend, in that the majority of these covers use the colour blue within their designs. I don't know whether that influcened my choice in covers as blue is one of my favourite colours, or whether this was just some funny little coincidence but either way, those are my top 5 favourite book covers.
What are some of your favourite covers? Have you noticed a little trend in your favourite covers like I noticed within mine? Let me know in the comments below, I can't wait to hear some of your favourites.
bye for now my little pumpkins
My Blogging Playlist
Monday, 24 October 2016
I'm not sure about you but I am one of those people who can't sit in total silence so when I decided to get back into blogging the first thing I actually decided to do was to create a playlist of songs that I could listen to while I wrote. Since then the playlist has been deleted and modified far too many times for me to count but I am finally happy with it. And since I am finally happy with it, I decided to share it with you.
Do you have a special playlist that you listen to at particular times, or do you prefer to work in total silence? Also, are there any songs which you think would be a great addition to my playlist? Let me know in the comments below.
Bye for now my little pumpkins
Bye for now my little pumpkins
Review | Remember Remember - Sue Whitaker | etapublishing book club
Friday, 21 October 2016
Author: Sue Whitaker
Summary: Imagine your life being rudely and dramatically changed...
It's the 5th of November and a firework in the wrong hands spells trouble for Carla and changes her life for ever. Read this inspirational story of one girl's fight to overcome the stigma of disfigurement and how a few kind words from an unexpected source, turned thoughts of revenge into a passion to help others. This book is a book with a message, it will entertain, it will provoke thought and it will also educate young people to be responsible with Fireworks. Schools will find this book a valuable tool to use when teaching on the dangers of Fireworks.
Remember, Remember is a short story set in London, Carla - the principle character with in the novel - is a typical teenager, desperate to fit in, and make it work in a popular group of children her age. Her biggest joys in life were make-up and fashion. However, the traumatic events that follow November 5th changed her life forever. The events that unfolded that faithful night are described by Carla in such a way that make you feel involved, and a part of the days that follow that night.
With the support of her family, doctors, counsellors, and an unexpected love interest, Carla begins to overcome her need for revenge and channel it into something more positive thus helping to sustain her recovery.
It is a story filled with emotions in just a short number of pages. It shows how one persons life can change in just a matter of seconds, and how difficult the road to recovery really can be. Within the subtext of this novel, real life instructions are portrayed, and the importance of staying safe on Bonfire Night is apparent.
The writing style employed by Whitaker throughout this novel is verging on infantile, however I later came to understand that this particular novel is aimed at teen's and young adults, and therefore was something I might not have particularly picked up to read for myself. That being said this novel would be an excellent piece of writing in which to be studied throughout schools to discus the importance of fire safety but also as a great bit of literature.
Overall, I would rate this book a 4 out of 5, as although it wasn't a novel I would necessarily choose for myself, it was a novel that lived up to its potential.
Bye for now my little pumpkins

I was supplied with a copy of this novel by ETA Publishings. You can purchase your copy here:
My Little Book Jar
Sunday, 16 October 2016
A few weeks ago, Charlotte from WonderfullyBookish uploaded a post about a book jar she had made, it contains little pieces of paper which have the titles of every book - both physical and ebook - that she owns. The idea is that when you are unsure on which book to read next, you can just go to your little jar and pick a piece of paper, open it up and bam, you have your next book. I thought it was a brilliant idea and just had to create one for myself, especially since I keep buying several books at a time and I can never decided which one to read first.
I thought I would share with you how I made my little jar incase any one else is interested in making one.
You will need:
- A jar, preferably one with a lid
- coloured paper
- and a black pen
I bought my little jar from Tiger, a Danish store in Newcastle's Eldon Square. The jar cost my £3, and was the smallest size that they do however, the do have a variety of sizes. I also bought a similar jar from Ikea, which was larger and also cheaper in price at £1.75 but I decided to use that for something else.
For my coloured paper I bought a pack or origami paper from Wilkinson, but any coloured paper would do. And I chose to use a black pen as it stands out against the coloured paper.
How to:
Now this is pretty simple but I thought I would share how I did it anyway.
- Pick out several different colours of paper
- Cut the pieces of paper into a number of different pieces
- Get comfortable and write down your chosen titles
- Fold them up so that you can't see the writing, place them in your jar and bam, that is your little jar complete
I spent a full evening trawling through my book shelves and writing down every single title that I am yet to read or would like to reread and my jar is now complete.
It really is as simple as that. Let me know if you've made your own little book jar, I'd love to see them!
If you would like to read Charlottes post for her book jar, the link is here, you can also find her Twitter here. She is a lovely girl so you should all check her out.
Bye for now my little pumpkins
Things to do in Leeds
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
In the first weekend of October my family and I took ourselves off to Leeds to celebrate my 22nd birthday. I had never been to Leeds before apart from when I have passed through on the bus or train so when it came to deciding on what to do we took to Google. With the majority of the pages found on Google suggesting the Otley Run, we decided to ask the locals what they thought about it, and the majority said it was a good night, so that's what we decided to try.
The Otley Run is Leed's biggest bar crawl consisting of 16 or so pubs, starting at Woodies Ale House in Headingly to the Dry Dock in the city centre. Many people opt to do the Otley Run in fancy dress, however we didn't - but i'd love to do it again all dressed up. We didn't go into every pub because we started late on, and spent more time in other pubs that we enjoyed so it meant that some of the other pubs were too full when we arrived so I would suggest starting between 2pm and 3pm, and I know that sounds quite early but it just means that you can enjoy the Otley Run at a more relaxed paced.
Below is a list of all 16 pubs included in the run, and the ones in bold are the ones I most enjoyed.
- Woodies Ale House
- The Three Horseshoes
- The New Inn
- The Headingley Taps
- Arc
- The Box
- The Skyrack
- The Original Oak
- The Hyde Park
- The Library
- The Packhorse
- The Eldon
- The Fenton
- Strawbs
- Dry Dock
The atmosphere in the four pubs highlighted were just brilliant, and everyone there was so sociable and ready to talk to others. The staff were also so friendly, plus the Dry Dock is a god damned ship, like how cool is that?
Another bar - although not on the Otley Run - that you should definitely go to is the Bierkeller, a German bar situated in the town center was a perfect way to end the night with entertainment, dancing on the tables and large steins of beer, what more could a girl want? The atmosphere in here was also ecstatic, its definitely a place you should consider going. You also have the option of paying on the door, or booking in advance. Booking in advance means that you are guaranteed a table, which is something I highly recommend, we didn't do this and I really wished we had.
Have any of you done the Otley Run or been to the Bierkeller? What did you think of it, and do you have any tips on how to survive the Otley Run, let me know in the comments below!
Bye for now my little pumpkins
Hello Autumn
Monday, 10 October 2016
Okay, so we are finally well and truly in to my favourite season, and to be honest, I couldn't be any more excited. so I thought I would share with you just a handful of the reasons as to why I just love it so.
- Leaves changing colours: I can't help but fall more and more in love each year with the colours of the leaves on the trees. Each leaf is it's own little colour, its own little shade of autumn.
- Autumn's own little scent: Each season carries with it it's own little scent, and to me autumn smells like bonfires, and cold air, rain and fallen leaves. You all may think I am crazy but next time you step out side just take a little moment to take in the air, especially first thing in the morning. It's just amazing.
- Cosy jumpers: Oh come on, who doesn't love being all snug and warm in a slightly oversized jumper, layed with a cute little jacket?
- Dark nights: Okay, this is a little bit of an unpopular opinion but I just love the dark nights that autumn brings with it. They are perfect for wrapping yourself with a large fluffy blanket, copious amounts of tea, and a good book.
- Pumpkin Spied Lattes: I honestly think that a Starbucks Pumpkin Spiced Latte is the key to my heart, there is something just magical about the flavour of pumpkin, cinnamon and coffee.
- Cooler weather: Now, as much as I enjoy the warmer weather that summer brings, autumns cooler days mean that I can be all snug and cosy in a cute little jumper. But autumn is also not too cold, which is perfect.
- Halloween, and other festivities: Autumn also marks the start of several exciting festivities, from October 1st onwards its exciting celebration after exciting celebration. However, I think out of all of the festivities in autumn, Halloween is my favourite. I love a good excuse to dress up and watch scary movies.
- Crunchy leaves: Everybody, I repeat EVERYBODY loves walking out of their front door, and stepping on crunchy leaves. And if they say they don't then they are lying. Honestly, it is the most satisfying sound - stepping on those leaves. I even go out of my way to find a crunchy leaf.
- Bonfires: I love the smell of bonfires, and the prettiness of the flames, okay? I love standing outside on a cold autumn night to be warmed by the flames of a little bonfire.
- Pretty smelling candles: I have an unhealthy obsession with autumn smelling candles, and currently have a small collection of 15 to 20 autumn scented Yankee candles which I am just itching to burn. There is nothing more cosy than the smell of cinnamon filling your home.
- Cute little scarves and mittens: There is nothing more important than keeping yourself toasty warm, and what a better way to do it then with cute little scarves and mittens, and even cute little beenie hats?
Okay, so that is just a few reasons why autumn is my favourite season, what is yours, and why?
Bye for now my little pumpkins
cold weather,
hello autumn,
pumpkin spiced latte
Things To Do In Manchester
Saturday, 8 October 2016
We went to Chapter One Books in Manchester's Northern Quarter, and from the moment I stepped inside, I fell head over heals in love. From the quirky decor, to the selection of books and cake, it is just adorable and fantastic. That aside, I know that all of us book lovers are a big fan of book shops such as Waterstones, and Blackwells but I feel as if we all have a little bit of appreciation for these little independent book stores, and I know that I would personally prefer to support something such as Chapter One Books instead of the high street stores. Especially stores that sell tea and cake too.
the most amazing hot chocolate, ever |
Just a selection of the teas on offer |
a crime section market by police tape |
a small selection of the books available |
I think that Chapter One Books is perfect for just spending an afternoon in a calm setting, getting lost in a good book. It's relaxed atmosphere is also perfect for a first date, a catch up with a good friend, or just a chilled out afternoon.
Have any of you visited Chapter One Books, or know of any independent book stores in the Newcastle area? Let me know in the comments below.
Bye for now my little pumpkins
book shop,
chapter one books,
independent books
GUEST POST FRIDAY | Summer 2016 Recap - Sarah
Friday, 7 October 2016
After a stressful start to the year with finishing off my Dissertation and basically the end of my Uni course, summer 2016 has been one of my best. Shannan suggest that I write a recap of my summer this year for her blog (you're reading it now, good isn't it?) and i thought it was a great idea to document what I've been up to and the most memorable parts!
My summer started off with the end of my course. I finished
in May after handing in my last deadline and completing a presentation at Uni.
This lead on to me spending a lot of time with my Uni friends (probably more
than ever before) which was lovely. We finally had time to chill out and not be
stressed about work. So it resulted in some park trips, some early morning
comic book shop trips and a whole load of pizza. What a lovely way to spend the
start of summer!
This summer was also when I started dating again. I'd been
seeing/talking to a few people at the beginning of the year, and it wasn't
overly working for me. However I started dating one person particular in May
and it's been lovely. It's allowed me to have some lovely coffee shop dates,
cinema trip and one very lovely day walking around a park with a picnic. I'm
still in the mindset that relationships are not everything, and I don't have to
count on seeing someone, but it's always lovely to wake up to a good morning
In 2016, I knew I'd be finishing Uni, so my goal was to take
a few trips and see friends as much as possible. This has lead me so a lovely
few day trips in to Liverpool, London and a very nice trip to Newcastle to see
none other than Shannan! It was wonderful to have a few days break to see
friends and I had such a wonderful time visiting Shannan's home town! It's
strange that I've only known her a few years (probably not even that properly)
but we had some lovely chats and adventures, I cannot wait to come stay again
(packing my bags, get my bed ready!).
I haven't been on a family holiday for a long while. My
parents and I stopped family holidays a few years back while we were getting a
lot of work done to the house. But 2016 was the year we packed our bags and
stayed in the lakes for a few days. Not only did I see a sheep up close (yes I
know), climb a hill and eat cake every day, I got to stay in a very very fancy
bed all to myself. The holiday was lovely and it was nice to spend time with my
family away from home for a little bit. I cannot express how thankful I am for
the little break.
Earlier on in the year I thought it would be a good idea to
start journaling. This was probably the best decision I've made in a very long
time. Writing down all my thoughts and feelings alongside detailed accounts of
what I've done with my days has been wonderful. I'm excited to look back in a
few years and remember what I've been up to and how I thought about it all. I'd
recommend starting a journal to anyone!
So summer 2016 has been a blast intertwined with a blur of
Uni results, job searching and graduating! I've started work as a trainee
supervisor while still looking for a job, and keeping up with my own blog. It's
been a manic summer and one of my favourites. I cannot get over how lovely this
year has been so far, I really hope the rest of the year continues the same!
Manchester Book Haul
Wednesday, 5 October 2016
- Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs
- One by Sarah Crossan
- Girl <3 Girl by Lucy Sutcliffe
- Flawed by Cecelia Ahern
- A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
- The Duff by Kody Keplinger
- The Girl In 6E by A. R. Torre
- After You by Jo Jo Moyes
- Alice's Adventures In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
- Alice's Adventure Through The Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll
So there you have it, 10 books that I managed to buy in 24 hours.. and I know I am a little late to the party when it comes to reading these books, but I am so excited to read them all.
Have any of you read any of these books and really enjoyed them? Let me know in the comments below.
Bye for now my little pumpkins
book buying,
book haul,
book shopping,
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