Until two years ago, I had never really explored the coastal county in which I live in despite there being so many beautiful and quaint places ready for me so when I was offered the opportunity to go on a small day trip around Northumberland, I really couldn't resist.
I currently live in a small village located on the Northumberland-Tyne and Wear boarder, about 10 miles outside of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. With the current population settling around 2900, everyone knows everyone. It's a lovely, and quite little village however after exploring numerous other villages and small towns within the county, I would love to up sticks and move to one of those just that little bit closer to the beach, and even further outside of the busy city.
Warkworth Castle,
Warkworth |
The first stop on my little adventure around Northumberland was Warkworth Castle, situated within a village of the same name. It is less that one mile from the North East coast, with both the castle itself and the village occupying the loop of the River Coquet. It is uncertain as to when the castle was founded, however the construction is traditionally acredited to Prince Henry of Scotland in the mid 12th Century. The castle, and it's surrounding grounds are beautifully kept with the castle itself showing very little signs of restoration - which is something I have noticed, although some castles and buildings look immaculate, it is typically due to high levels or restoration. To gain full access to the castle there is a small fee which can be found
here, however if exploring heritage sites is something of interest then there is always the option to become a member of the English Heritage site. After paying an annual payment which starts at £52, you will then have unlimited access to up to 400 sites around the UK, as well as discount off other attractions. For more information on how to become a member follow this
Alnwick Castle, Alnwick |
My second stop was a little further north in the village of Alnwick, the home of Alnwick Castle and stately home, as well as gorgeous little old-fashioned book shop which goes by the name of Barter Books. Alnwick Castle is currently home to the Duke and Duchess of Northumberland, however it was built following the Norman Conquest. Unlike Warkworth Castle, Alnwick has been renovated and remodeled countless times since its build. And since 1964, Alnwick Castle has been used as a setting for a high number of films and television series - with it's exterior used most famously in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, and Chamber of Secrets. Throughout the year Alnwick Castle hosts activities and shows, often hosting child-specific activities throughout the holiday seasons, including activities orientated around the Harry Potter franchise. Although I do like to think I have matured just ever so slightly since becoming a University graduate, when I headed out to Alnwick Castle this past weekend the staff were welcoming, friendly and let us - a group of adults whose mean age averages out to 100 - play dress up, take part in making wands and did not judge when we wanted to take part in the dragon's quest which I thought was utterly brilliant. Similar to Warkworth Castle, there is an admissions fee for Alnwick Castle, however there are aspects of the castle in which you can explore for free. Additionally, once you have purchased and admissions ticket for the castle, it is valid for one whole year from the date of purchase meaning that if you so wish to visit the site again within 12 months then all you need to do is retain your original ticket.
Staff at Alnwick Castle |
Now although Alnwick Castle has so much to offer, there is also the gardens which are located just a short walk from the Castle itself. The gardens are beautiful all year round, and depending on the season will depend on what is going on within the gardens with different attractions on show all year round. I have no attended the gardens in a number of years, however I am to make a trip within the next few months. Again, there is also a small fee to visit the gardens, with more details available
here. Alnwick is also home of a Sunday farmers market, quaint little boutiques, typical high street stores and beautiful little gift shops. I firmly believe that it's quite easy to spend a day within Alnwick, exploring the cobbled streets, the castle and the gardens.
Wow, if you are still with me then thank you, I didn't realise how much I can say about Northumberland. Unfortunately, I still have two other places I wish to talk about, so I will talk about those in a later post. If you have any questions about any of the places mentioned today then don't wait about, just leave me a message and I will address that within my next post.
Bye for now my little pumpkins,