GUEST POST FRIDAYS | The Get To Know Me Tag - Sarah

From today, every second Friday of each month shall be known as 'Guest Post Friday'. Pretty exciting huh? The idea behind it is to bring something a little different to Twenty Something and Day Dreaming, but also allow myself and Sarah to share the whole blogging experience together. So that's enough from me, and now its over to Sarah.

  1. What is your middle name? Louise
  2. How tall are you? 5"3
  3. What was favourite subject at school? English (and I really liked History!)
  4. What is your favourite drink? Mocha coffee
  5. What is your favourite song at the moment? All Night by R5. It's an older song now but I've recently started listening to R5 again and All Night makes me so happy.
  6. What would you choose as your last meal? Pasta. Pasta pasta pasta. 
  7. What is the last thing you bought? The BFG book!
  8. Favourite book of all time? SO DIFFICULT! Either The Fault In Our Stars by John Green or The Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger
  9. Favourite Colour? Blue
  10. Do you have any pets? Two kitty cats
  11. Favourite Perfume? It's probably not socially acceptable for a 21 year old but I've been wearing Our Moment by One Direction every day for about 3 years. 
  12. Favourite Celebration? CHRISTMAS!
  13. What is your favourite country? The UK
  14. Do you speak any other language? I can say rubber in French
  15. How many siblings do you have? None
  16. What is your favourite shop? Waterstones
  17. Favourite restaurant? Jamies Italian
  18. When was the last time you cried? At Coronation Street about a month ago
  19. Favourite Film? Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire
  20. Favourite TV shows? Bates Motel
  21. PC or Mac? Mac
  22. Can you cook? Yes (much to everyone's surprise)
  23. Favourite Blog?
  24. What is the name of your blog? The Little Contemporary Corner
  25. How long have you been blogging? Just over a year!
  26. How did you get into blogging? I read a lot of book blogs because I wanted to find out about other peoples thoughts on books. I then decided I had no-where to talk about my own thoughts, so I started blogging. 

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