THE UNIVERSITY SERIES | Those First Day Nerves

I know first had how nerve wrecking your first day at university can be however I discovered a few little tricks to feel just that little bit nervous.

  1. You are all in the same position. You are not alone, there will be hundreds of other people in the exact same position as you, all trying to find their way. There will also be students from previous years, members of your faculty and students union ready to point you all in the right direction.
  2. Get to know others on your course. I found a Facebook page created by a fellow student, they created the page so that we could all get to know one another before we started formal lectures. We even arranged a course meal for the first evening of freshers. And believe it or not, I found this incredibly beneficial as I made friends with a lovely girl on my course, who I later lived with for my final two years at university and it meant that we went through the whole university experience together.
  3. Be prepared. I can't stress this enough. Be prepared for your enrolment, and introductory lectures whether that means ensuring you have sufficient stationary or have the right documents ready, at hand. Just be prepared.
Coming up next time on the University Series is a packing list of items I believe to be essential for surving the university lifestyle. 

                                                       Bye for now my little pumpkins

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