Hey Guys! Bradley here.
While Christmas can be the most wonderful time of the year, it can also be the busiest and busy doesn't come close when you're also participating in Blogmas! A lot of time and effort goes into these wonderful and thoughtful posts, so as a favour to my favourite human in and out the blogging world I'm doing a little TSDD blogmas take over!
The 16th marks the the single-figure count down to the big day, and if you're anything like me you're probably running low on: money, time, energy and patience (with that extra dash of holiday stress). During this time we all have to deal with family, friends, work, studying, having time to sleep, having time to shop and finding time for yourself without having to deal with anything else.
In times of stress, there is only one thing I turn to. Chicken Run.
"Chicken Run! How does that help?" you may ask. But my friends, Chicken Run holds a vast amount a valuable lessons, someone of which I will share with you today!

This is a biggy. Easier said than done but keep calm, panicking helps no-one. Be like these chicks, and think of the ultimate goal - Not getting stuffed into a pie (a lovely Christmas).
Get organised. Make notes, make lists and spend your time and energy wisely. #belikeginger
Get your eggs in a row. If you can get smaller, easier tasks accomplished first, this gives you the motivation and time to get those longer work days or busy shopping trips accomplished too!
Don't lose your head! Yeah you've probably got a million shifts at work, last minute gifts to buy or wrap and a turkey to cook but you've got this. You got through last Christmas and this one is no different. Follow rules 1-3 and you've got this in the bag (or Santa sack, if you prefer)
Reap the rewards of your hard labour. When the big day comes, get your feet up and just enjoy. You've just had 24 long, stressful days and today will not be one of them. Enjoy the company of your family and friends and enjoy the thought that if you can get through this, next year will be a breeze.
Next Year: *Refers back to this post on how to deal with holiday stress*
That's all folks. I do hope you've enjoyed this little read. Make sure to share this with your friends and family so they can deal with their holiday stress too, and give us a cheeky comment to let us know what you thought of this post!
Thanks for having me,
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